Upplifunarhönnun á HönnunarMars 2022. Verkefnið fól í sér að skapa ímynd HönnunarMars og sjá um að sú ímynd dreifði sér sem víðast á Höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Til þess að auka upplifun gesta hátíðarinnar var notast við merkingar og borða, dagskrábæklinga, kort, fána og innsetningar en fyrst og fremst viðburði.
Í kringum menningarhátíðir er gjarnan mikið notað af einnota skreytingum en áherslan í þessu verkefni var að takmarka rusl og notkun á einnota framsetningum sem allra mest. Margnota úti-skilti voru hönnuð og smíðuð fyrir hátíðina sem einföld eru í uppsetningu en þau er hægt að nota ár eftir ár. Fyrir tímabundnar innsetningar fengum við lánaða kassa frá grænmetisframleiðendum sem strappaðir voru saman sem borð. Öll blóm sem notuð voru á hátíðinni voru afgangsblóm sem voru á leiðinni í ruslið. Á DesignTalks var svo súpa eingöngu elduð úr afgöngum og ljótu grænmeti. Verkefnið var unnið náið með hönnunarteyminu Studio Studio.
Þau sem komu að verkefninu
HönnunarMars 2022
Miðstöð hönnunar og arkitektúrs,
Studio Studio
Experience Design at DesignMarch 2022. The project involved creating the image for DesignMarch and ensuring that this image spread as widely as possible in the Capital Area. To enhance the festival guests' experience, we utilized signage and boards, schedules, maps, flags, and installations, and events.
Cultural festivals often involve extensive use of disposable decorations, however, the emphasis in this project was to minimize waste and prioritize the use of reusable presentations whenever possible. Multi-purpose outdoor signs were designed and crafted specifically for the festival, which are simple to set up and can be used year after year. For temporary installations, we borrowed boxes from vegetable producers, which were assembled as tables. All flowers used in the festival were leftover blooms on their way to the trash. At DesignTalks, a soup was exclusively cooked from leftovers and ugly vegetables. The project was executed closely with the design duo Studio Studio.
People involved
DesignMarch 2022
Miðstöð hönnunar og arkitektúrs,
Studio Studio
Cultural festivals often involve extensive use of disposable decorations, however, the emphasis in this project was to minimize waste and prioritize the use of reusable presentations whenever possible. Multi-purpose outdoor signs were designed and crafted specifically for the festival, which are simple to set up and can be used year after year. For temporary installations, we borrowed boxes from vegetable producers, which were assembled as tables. All flowers used in the festival were leftover blooms on their way to the trash. At DesignTalks, a soup was exclusively cooked from leftovers and ugly vegetables. The project was executed closely with the design duo Studio Studio.
People involved
DesignMarch 2022
Miðstöð hönnunar og arkitektúrs,
Studio Studio