Hlutverk var samsýning 14 hönnuða og hönnunarteyma, sýningin var haldin á HönnunarMars í Ásmundarsal, fóru Erindrekar með sýningarstjórnun. Opið umsóknarferli stóð yfir í aðdraganda sýningar, þar sem kallað var eftir hugmyndum af því hvernig finna má hlutum sem hafa eða eru að missa hlutverk sitt í hversdagsleikanum nýtt hlutverk. Útkoman var þverskurður af samtímahönnun.
Sýningin gaf innsýn inn í sköpunarferli hönnuða, allt frá hugmynd yfir í frumgerð. Á bak við lokaútgáfu hlutar liggur oft á tíðum langt og strembið ferli. Undirliggjandi efnisvali og framleiðsluferli í samtímahönnun eru ótal siðferðisspurningar, ekki síst í ljósi aðstæðna eins og tæmandi náttúruauðlinda, mengandi iðnaðar og aukningu á efnisúrgangi. Sýningin varpaði ljósi á það hversu klókir hönnuðir eru í að skapa verðmæti og koma “ónýtum” efnivið aftur á braut notkunar.
Markmið sýningarinnar var að fá áhorfendur til þess að hugsa um hlutina í kringum sig í nýju samhengi. Sýningin var skrásett með ljósmyndum, myndböndum og bókverki sem munu nýtast sem gagnlegur gluggi inn í samtímahönnun í framtíðinni. Við lok sýningarinnar var slegið til uppboðs á verkunum.
Þau sem komu að verkefninu
Félags vöru- og iðnhönnuða
The exhibition Object-ive involved 14 designers and designer teams and took place at DesignMarch in Ásmundarsalur, curated by Erindrekar. An open call process preceded the exhibition, seeking ideas on how to find new roles for objects that have lost or are losing their functionality in everyday life. The outcome was a cross-section of contemporary Icelandic design.
The exhibition provided insight into the creative process of designers, ranging from concept to final product. Behind a designed object often lies a lengthy and challenging process. Ethical questions related to material selection and production processes in contemporary design are numerous, especially considering factors such as depleting natural resources, polluting industries, and increasing waste. The exhibition shed light on how clever designers are in creating value and repurposing "useless" materials.
The aim of the exhibition was to encourage viewers to think about the objects around them in new contexts. The exhibition was documented through photographs, videos, and books, serving as a useful window into contemporary design. At the end of the exhibition, the works were auctioned off.
People involved
Industrial and Product Design Association
The exhibition provided insight into the creative process of designers, ranging from concept to final product. Behind a designed object often lies a lengthy and challenging process. Ethical questions related to material selection and production processes in contemporary design are numerous, especially considering factors such as depleting natural resources, polluting industries, and increasing waste. The exhibition shed light on how clever designers are in creating value and repurposing "useless" materials.
The aim of the exhibition was to encourage viewers to think about the objects around them in new contexts. The exhibition was documented through photographs, videos, and books, serving as a useful window into contemporary design. At the end of the exhibition, the works were auctioned off.
People involved
Industrial and Product Design Association